Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hockey Peter No 2

I've started to try playing a skater in NHL 10 in Be A Pro mode. I made a center, who is supposed to be a play maker. What I think this results in is that the game expects me to make a lot of assists. Goals are good as well, of course.

Once again, I played in the prospects game to see where I get drafted. I ended the game with two goals (maybe an assist as well). This resulted in me getting drafted first. Woo! I got drafted by the Colorado Avalanche. I find this interested, because before I made my goalie, I tried BAP mode as a skater and also got drafted by the Avs. But that time it was 8th or so and I absolutely sucked in the prospects game.

I find playing a skater to be a lot harder than playing goalie. With a goalie, you have a very small area to play in, a very straight forward task and you play the entire game. With a skater, you have to do a lot more... Pass, shoot, defend, all over the ice. I never know where I should be and usually end up in the wrong place. I don't know where the right place is, but I can figure out the wrong place. There is also the problem with lines. As a forward, you have two other men on your line. I have control on when I go on and off the ice and I never know when I'm supposed to get back on. My fatigue gauge can be fine, but I don't want to force a bad change, either giving up an odd man rush or ruining a good offensive attack. I will have to work on these things.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Late post, but I did not game much in the past week. Too much olympic hockey and curling.

On the 14th, flOw was released for free on PSN. It's hard to pass up on a free game that's fun like flOw is. It has simple gameplay, but sometimes that is all you need when you do it well, which this game does. It's also the first game that I have played that takes advantage of the six axis controllers motion sensing abilities. It's no wiimote, but I have no huge complaints about it.

flOw is based on a flash game that you can find here.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

I hate MUDs (multi user dungeons - think Zork, but with more people), but I can't stop trying to play them over and over. I always go in, planning on becoming a guild leader or somebody who is important in city politics, but what usually ends up happening is that I stand around a lot and sometimes explore a bit to make maps.

That's what keeps drawing me back. I love to make maps of the world. All it ends up being is a bunch of squares connected by lines from the sides or the corners. I'm not sure what I like so much, but it's definitely my favorite part of things.

My least favorite part has to be combat. It usually comes down to who ever has the better scripts to react to every single possible situation. Being a programmer, you would think that I would be able to come up with something great, but it takes a bit of time and effort and also requires one to find every possible message the game might send at you in so that you can code a reaction to it. I'm currently trying to build a decent set of "reflexes" (the word you use in game in order to stay in character), using the tintin++ MUD client. The scripting language has most features I think I need, but I can't figure out how to do a few things that I would like. If I need to, I could use it to call a script in a language I know better, like PHP.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Why I Don't Like You - Part 1

As the title implies, this is the first of a series of posts. These posts will be a short discussion on what aspect of a Street Fighter 4 character that I dislike the most. Most will be the things that they do that I have trouble beating, but some may be what I don't like about them when I am playing them. There are some characters who I am not quite sure what to say about them, so these posts won't have any specific ordering or regular schedule.

Seth - Yoga Teleport and Tanden Engine
The thing I hate the most about the teleports is how he uses three or four of them in a row. It's like a ridiculous cross-up on me. Since the teleport moves can put you full screen away, half screen away, right in front or right behind, its a crap shoot on where he will be next. I should probably stop trying to do ultra's when he is doing that, because while technically I have a 50-50 chance on guessing which direction the ultra motion needs to be in, I've missed many times more than probability says I will. Also, there is the chance he will teleport again right as I finish the move and I will whiff completely.

For the other move, Tanden Engine (the one where he turns black and sucks you towards him), I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Unless I am blocking all the time, it ends up being a free hit on me. Once he gets me with it, I can't block or attack right out of it, so when Seth wants a SPD, he gets one. A interesting note about the move from eventhubs: "You want to use this move when your opponent does something stupid and is on the ground. " Story of my life.

Blanka - Electric Thunder
This move catches me every time. Not only in combos (of course. It's a combo. You have no choice but to be hit by it), but I am very good at throwing out pokes and other moves and getting tagged by it. I should be able to figure out how to avoid it. He doesn't move when it happens.

El Fuerte - Habanero Dash (pretend I have a tilde on the n)
The key to his mix-up game. Running back and forth, body slamming, stopping, sliding. It confuses me and I don't know how to beat it. I get dizzy and I think I get intimidated by his running speed. Since attacks come from the move, I'm looking for something, but I have to guess. Like the problems with Seth, guessing is not my strong suit.