Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hockey Peter No 2

I've started to try playing a skater in NHL 10 in Be A Pro mode. I made a center, who is supposed to be a play maker. What I think this results in is that the game expects me to make a lot of assists. Goals are good as well, of course.

Once again, I played in the prospects game to see where I get drafted. I ended the game with two goals (maybe an assist as well). This resulted in me getting drafted first. Woo! I got drafted by the Colorado Avalanche. I find this interested, because before I made my goalie, I tried BAP mode as a skater and also got drafted by the Avs. But that time it was 8th or so and I absolutely sucked in the prospects game.

I find playing a skater to be a lot harder than playing goalie. With a goalie, you have a very small area to play in, a very straight forward task and you play the entire game. With a skater, you have to do a lot more... Pass, shoot, defend, all over the ice. I never know where I should be and usually end up in the wrong place. I don't know where the right place is, but I can figure out the wrong place. There is also the problem with lines. As a forward, you have two other men on your line. I have control on when I go on and off the ice and I never know when I'm supposed to get back on. My fatigue gauge can be fine, but I don't want to force a bad change, either giving up an odd man rush or ruining a good offensive attack. I will have to work on these things.


The Blaggernaut said...

Sounds cool. Being drafted first is always good. The way you described the game reminds me a bit of blitzball in FFX, which I hated to hell and back, because it takes about forever to get decent at (i.e. level up your guys/draft decent players). The AI there was terrible, and basically made sure you never win. How good are your other players? Would they be able to carry on a game without your input for any amount of time, or does everything basically depend on what you do and when?

peter said...

In this mode, the AI controlled players probably get more done than I am able to, mostly because they tend to be in the right spot and they have more play time than me. I've set the game to be realistic, so I sit when my shift is over and wait until its my turn on the ice again.