Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I've been playing Oblivion a lot recently. I'm really liking it because there's a lot of exploration I can do, many quests and other standard RPG elements.

I've been going with a ranger-esque character, strong with a blade and a bow. I'm supposed to be using light armor, but I'm currently using heavy armor. It doesn't matter too much, but I would like to find a better style of light armor other than leather. I know there are better ones, but I have yet to locate them. So for now, I wear steel.

I've been trying to practice street fighter a bit more in hopes of getting into the local scene. It probably won't happen because I'm not dedicated enough, but at least I've gotten better at a combo I couldn't do a few days ago. So now I can do the simple cannon strike FADC cannon strike combo. I hope to soon be able to combine it with a j.HP, c.MP, then the FADC combo. We shall see.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Bought a new computer. Spent most of my time home today downloading games from Steam.

Quad core 3.4ghz AMD processor
Radeon 7570
24" monitor

I guess those are the key details. And most of my parts glow blue, but this was unintended.

Hooray games!

While this rumor isn't as awesome as the college hockey in NHL 11 rumor, but they are saying that the big announcement coming from Capcom at San Diego Comic Con is a Capcom x Namco set of games. A set, because there will be a game based on the Street Fighter 4 engine with both companies characters, and then a game based on Namco's Tekken 6 engine. Could be awesome if its true and if they don't suck.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Evo 2010

Evo was pretty good. I was sad to see Sanford Kelly lose (and in such a stupid way), but it was really cool to see a Zangief and Adon get to the top 8.

There was an interesting comment being made about being mentally guard broken, that is, playing like crap because your opponent got into your head. Fighting games isn't just about execution and combos, nor are they about the mind games you play with ambiguous crossups and high-low mixups. If you can really get into your opponents head and get them to doubt themselves, you've basically won. This is not the only situation though. There was a time where when the the guy who eventually came in second for Tekken 6 was really outplaying his opponent, so much so that he started doing flashy, unsafe things. He got punished for those moves and rightfully so. Even the commentators were talking about how he should not have been doing that and deserved to be put on the ropes.

I'm bringing this up because I wonder if I were ever to get to a tournament situation, would I be able to stand up to the pressure? Sometimes I find myself getting upset over stupid in game things. I can't let those things affect my game. Also, I pretty much refuse to play strangers online because I hate losing and can't imagine them doing anything but gloating and mocking me when they win. They probably don't care that much.

You can see quite a few evo videos here.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

1+1 = 1

I've mentioned that I have very poor execution when it comes to fighting games. For some reason I pick characters that need really good execution, like Cammy and Ibuki. I also think C. Viper is cool. Oh well. It gives me something to work at.

I'm watching evo this weekend, the largest fighting game tournament in the US (and maybe the world). It's cool to see some really high level play. I'm also making split pea soup.

I'm declaring that this, plus that other really short post I made a few weeks ago count as one post, so now I am caught up.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Vegas Baby

Went to Las Vegas over the holiday weekend. Went to the 2+2 (a poker forum I don't read) meetup at the Aria. It was pretty fun, because the environment was very relaxed. There were a lot of cash games going with varieties of poker that you would never find at the poker room of the casino on a normal day. Anyway, a funny thing happened while I was playing in a 1/2 no limit cash game on Sunday.

So, there were two guys who had a side bet that Shawn would cause Jon to lose all of his chips in one orbit of the button or less. Jon accepted the bet, based on that if he folded every hand, he would win an easy $100. At one point, everybody gets their cards and after some pre-flop betting, it ends up with only Shawn and Jon in the hand. The flop comes 10-5-5. A little more back and forth and they both end up all in. Jon shows his pocket tens. People at the table go "Ooo!". Shawn flips over a 5. Then the other 5. People go, "Oooohhhhh!". It looks like Shawn's four of a kind will beat the full house. The turn comes. Nothing for either player. The dealer burns the next card so that he can show the river. He gets rid of the burn card and there's the other 10! Face up in the deck. It's a boxed card, it's supposed to be ignored. Jon's chance has flown out the window. The table goes nuts.

Shortly afterwords, we find out that the deck was stacked by one of the organizers. Shawn, the dealer and the organizer were in on the joke. It's was pretty funny (no, Shawn did not collect on his bet or his pot). After things calmed down a little, the other people at the table started chatting and we found out that everybody had 7-2 or 8-3 in order to make sure nobody else played the hand. Though I think one person placed a bet pre-flop, even with the terrible hand he was dealt.