Monday, February 8, 2010

Why I Don't Like You - Part 1

As the title implies, this is the first of a series of posts. These posts will be a short discussion on what aspect of a Street Fighter 4 character that I dislike the most. Most will be the things that they do that I have trouble beating, but some may be what I don't like about them when I am playing them. There are some characters who I am not quite sure what to say about them, so these posts won't have any specific ordering or regular schedule.

Seth - Yoga Teleport and Tanden Engine
The thing I hate the most about the teleports is how he uses three or four of them in a row. It's like a ridiculous cross-up on me. Since the teleport moves can put you full screen away, half screen away, right in front or right behind, its a crap shoot on where he will be next. I should probably stop trying to do ultra's when he is doing that, because while technically I have a 50-50 chance on guessing which direction the ultra motion needs to be in, I've missed many times more than probability says I will. Also, there is the chance he will teleport again right as I finish the move and I will whiff completely.

For the other move, Tanden Engine (the one where he turns black and sucks you towards him), I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Unless I am blocking all the time, it ends up being a free hit on me. Once he gets me with it, I can't block or attack right out of it, so when Seth wants a SPD, he gets one. A interesting note about the move from eventhubs: "You want to use this move when your opponent does something stupid and is on the ground. " Story of my life.

Blanka - Electric Thunder
This move catches me every time. Not only in combos (of course. It's a combo. You have no choice but to be hit by it), but I am very good at throwing out pokes and other moves and getting tagged by it. I should be able to figure out how to avoid it. He doesn't move when it happens.

El Fuerte - Habanero Dash (pretend I have a tilde on the n)
The key to his mix-up game. Running back and forth, body slamming, stopping, sliding. It confuses me and I don't know how to beat it. I get dizzy and I think I get intimidated by his running speed. Since attacks come from the move, I'm looking for something, but I have to guess. Like the problems with Seth, guessing is not my strong suit.

1 comment:

The Blaggernaut said...

I always think that if there are ways to link or cancel moves that is catastrophic and impossible to replicate using ordinary human thumbs, it is bound to be used by the computer you are fighting against. Those programmers are bastards.