Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lost Civilization

As predicted, my civilization is not going to well. I haven't had the money problems like a predicted because I have nothing to spend the money on. Simply, I am not growing. I have three cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novgorod) and they are tiny. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Perhaps I need to accept some short periods of losing money to grow my civilization into areas that I can exploit. If this is the case, I need to do it fast. I'm being boxed in and even though I am building as many military units as I can, I am pretty sure I am completely out ranked.

That doesn't sound too bad though, building up my army, no matter how weak the units are, right? Yeah... not so much. The reason all I am making is army guys is that I have nothing else to make for my cities. My tech is so low, I've made all the buildings that I have access to. And I have no need for more workers because I chose some stupid locations for my cities and there isn't anything for them to do.

If I do end up losing, I will start again, but probably on a lower difficulty.


The Blaggernaut said...

What difficulty are you playing on now? I can't get into games like that. I'm sure if I tried a few times maybe I'd get better, but I am haunted by my world record losses at SimCity (the really old one I'd play on an ancient mac that was my family's first computer). I wish your Russia the best of luck.

peter said...

I'm on the 4th of 9 difficulties