Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Super First Impressions

I picked up Super Street Fighter 4 last night and while I didn't have much time to play and have yet to turn it on tonight, I am very pleased with it. The additional characters are cool and while I don't know much about the rebalancing of the characters, from what I have read online, it seems to be pretty good. While I will keep playing Cammy, I think I might give Juri and Ibuki a try as well. I still need to pick a charge character to learn. It's most likely going to be Honda.

One of the new characters, Hakan, is a Turkish oil wrestler. It's kind of upsetting. He pours oil on himself and slides around and squeezes you and all sorts of unpleasant things. He is also red. I don't know why he is red.

I am glad that they made unlocking costume colors and taunts so easy this time. All you need to do is go to versus mode, pick your character, choose the newest color and taunt that you have, start the battle. Then, hit start, go to change your character and a new color or taunt will be unlocked.

On another note, I beat Final Fantasy 13. I enjoyed it. I had about 60 hours logged at the end.

1 comment:

The Blaggernaut said...

Really? 60 hours? 30 of which is the "tutorial"? This news upsets me. In my opinion if a game takes less than 100 to beat it's a waste of money. I bet it has no replay value either. Ughhhhhhh.