Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Playing Games Makes Me Worse At Them

It seems that after putting 30+ hours into FF13 and still not being close to being done, my skills in other games have really fallen off. I've been letting the stupidest goals in on NHL10 and the moves I listed in my previous post have only been so-so.

I've found that practice mode might not be the best place for practicing my execution. I have a lot more trouble pulling moves off under pressure from an attacking opponent than one that is standing. Even if I turn on CPU control for the dummy in training mode, the lack of wins/losses and a real outcome makes me unable to feel the same pressure.

What I think I might need to do is use arcade mode on a semi difficult difficulty to practice my moves. If I'm going to practice doing the same move over and over, I won't win, but I can practice it in a game situation. The only main problem is that I will not be able to consistently practice Supers and Ultras because of the need for meter to charge. I will try to figure everything out when I have less interest in the FF.


The Blaggernaut said...

I haven't played FFXIII for weeks. Since the initial stint, actually. But I have been playing Pokemon a bit. I feel the pressure to play Pokemon a lot, since the newest games are going to be released in maybe a year or so? By then I have to unlock everything ulockable and beat everything beatable in Soul Silver.

peter said...

I know how you feel the need to catch 'em all and I understand it all too well.