Monday, July 12, 2010

Evo 2010

Evo was pretty good. I was sad to see Sanford Kelly lose (and in such a stupid way), but it was really cool to see a Zangief and Adon get to the top 8.

There was an interesting comment being made about being mentally guard broken, that is, playing like crap because your opponent got into your head. Fighting games isn't just about execution and combos, nor are they about the mind games you play with ambiguous crossups and high-low mixups. If you can really get into your opponents head and get them to doubt themselves, you've basically won. This is not the only situation though. There was a time where when the the guy who eventually came in second for Tekken 6 was really outplaying his opponent, so much so that he started doing flashy, unsafe things. He got punished for those moves and rightfully so. Even the commentators were talking about how he should not have been doing that and deserved to be put on the ropes.

I'm bringing this up because I wonder if I were ever to get to a tournament situation, would I be able to stand up to the pressure? Sometimes I find myself getting upset over stupid in game things. I can't let those things affect my game. Also, I pretty much refuse to play strangers online because I hate losing and can't imagine them doing anything but gloating and mocking me when they win. They probably don't care that much.

You can see quite a few evo videos here.

1 comment:

The Blaggernaut said...

That looks intense. I watched some of those videos. Most fights seem so one sided. One guy comes on strong and it's over in seconds. I haven't been in any sort of competitive games in a long time, but I think I'd probably be pretty cool now. At least more composed than when I last did anything competitively, which was MTG like eight years ago, when I was an emotionally unstable teenager.