Saturday, July 10, 2010

1+1 = 1

I've mentioned that I have very poor execution when it comes to fighting games. For some reason I pick characters that need really good execution, like Cammy and Ibuki. I also think C. Viper is cool. Oh well. It gives me something to work at.

I'm watching evo this weekend, the largest fighting game tournament in the US (and maybe the world). It's cool to see some really high level play. I'm also making split pea soup.

I'm declaring that this, plus that other really short post I made a few weeks ago count as one post, so now I am caught up.

1 comment:

The Blaggernaut said...

Since Tu decided to pack away all our video games like a week ago I haven't played anything. Surprisingly, I don't miss it. I have my DS and my internets, and button pushing accuracy does not matter a lot with these things.