Monday, October 25, 2010


Beer post number two.

Fullers ESB, which stands for extra special bitter.

I had trouble with this one. I couldn't find good ways to describe it. What concerned me the most is that there wasn't much hoppiness to it. Bitters are a type of pale ale, which tends to imply a flowery, hop tone to it. It's not like I expected IPA from it, but still, would have liked a bit more flavor in general.

The flavor starts off a little sweet, maybe a hint of raisin. The flavor after that dissipates, but then there is a slight bitterness. And that's all I could find to say about it.

If anybody is interested in trying a true ale, I would recommend this beer. The name sounds a bit scary, but I don't think it has any characteristics that somebody who has had a few drinks in their life couldn't handle.

Probably my favorite thing about this beer is that it comes in a 16.9oz bottle, which fits perfectly in my large pintglass, which I believe holds 18fl.oz. even though the store marketed it as 20.

1 comment:

The Blaggernaut said...

I need your help finding a beer that a person that doesn't like beer would like. Plus points if it's somewhat available.